Ok, this isn't really a field, it's a bunch of flowers grown wild by the Appian Way on a slightly curved landscape, but I don't have a picture of a flat field, so visualize with me, people.
I lived in Delaware until I was about ten, soaking in all its hills and plains of crops and cattle (with the occasional llama farm thrown in), and something in me still rejoices when I see a long stretch of flatness bursting with tight skinny rows of leafy shoots. Its greenness makes it so incredibly alive, as it lets the wind (not like it has a choice) create lush and energetic waves of motion that are yet completely settled and at peace. In a grand way, a field is the manifestation of man's hand upon nature in the most organic and starkly necessary manner. No one furrows and plants a field of crops for its pure aesthetic value. But it is lovely and full nonetheless.
Such thoughts come into one's mind, apparently, when one is decked out (casually) on a train en route to Roma and I . . umm, "one" . . .ought to be studying for a test on the General Theory of Communication. A revelation that my book just threw at me: Communication involves a sender, a receiver, and a message.
More relevant-to-my-intelligence-level revelations of this week:
1). You can see more of Rome with your family in two weeks than you've seen while living there for six months. Without getting bored at all.
The kid isn't bored. He's tired. I had the time of my life toting them around. Hope they've recovered somewhat!
2. Nothing is more satisfying after a wretched day than snatching red-handled kitchen scissors and applying them to your hair. Happiness and layers ensue. No living entities were harmed in the process. AND - I haven't touched a rubber band in three days. Call the Pope, it's a miracle!
And while you're calling him, ignore the tired, it's 12.20 AM and I just had my first mixed drink in 2 months expression on my face. Carbombs, nachos, chicken nuggets and apple pie a la mode in an Irish Pub are the most glorious things you can imagine after months away from the States.
3. Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to buy, on a whim with your Czech friend, red leather shoes that channel vintage and have 4 inch chunk high heels. And then to wear them. D.C. taught me well. I'm proud that I've still got it in me to pull these things off (which was quite a literal thought after five hours and a walk from the Colloseum to Largo Argentina).
4. Catholicism may sound weird to unbelievers, and let's face it, sometimes even to us it is weird at times (It's thought to be a good thing to pray in front of a bone?), but its also a truth that its beauty and (without faith, odd) logic has a way of wrapping its sharp realities around your heart and its own fumbling motions in such manner that you cannot stay alien to it long.
Glamor shot from the Gesu.
5. And sometimes it is absolutely necessary to accept the fact that I need to sleep every once and awhile. A domani!