Sunday, March 21, 2010

thank you

for all of the prayers and good wishes that you've been sending my way.  The peace that I've had for the last three days could only be coming from that.  And it's literally keeping me going.

So it's a Saturday night . . .wait, early Sunday morning . . . and I logged in 73 hours at work this week, counting today.  I almost wish that Sunday counted as part of this week so that I could brag about a 80 hour week.  Yep.  I'm going in tomorrow.  Hopefully not for too long.

Whatever.  I'll be there for 10 hours.

I think it's criminal to work on a Sunday.  But then again, so is working 80 hours in a week.  Guess I might as well break all the rules in style.

Some fun goodness came at the end of the workweek that's left me looking forward to the next . . . :)   And yes, it shall stay as cryptic as that.

So please say a prayer that everything pulls together and I can make it out of work by 2:30 tomorrow so I can go to my nephew's play.  I can't stand the thought of missing it.  I moved back to this area so that I wouldn't miss moments like this.

And with this factual post coming to a conclusion, I say:  good night.

1 comment:

Little Things said...

Prayers for you girlie! :)