Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mardi Gras!!

Ah, I have such fond memories of Ash Wednesday at Christendom, where we would have The-Friend-With-the-Car at Wendy's at 11:55 PM to pick up the cheeseburgers, fries, and junk food we had been fantasizing about all day. Why is it that you never crave meat until you cannot have it? It's Ash Wednesday already here in Rome, and already I'm having anemic cravings.

But, thanks to my friends in the 'Nella, there was feastin' goin' on earlier today. Here's me doing Vannah White with my offering of Camembert Cheese (think Brie):

And me with our awesome host, who made real pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream for us! Mmm-mmm good. It fell under the beloved category of ABP (Anything But Pasta), a rare food group in Italy.

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